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17 year old Nonoyama Reiji goes to work at a public bath only to find it staffed with beautiful girls, who quickly take a liking to him.
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- Chapter 27: Twenty-Seventh Bath: Return Match in Kyōgoku 11/13/2021
- Chapter 26: wenty-Sixth Bath: Karma Circulation 11/13/2021
- Chapter 25: Twenty-Fifth Bath: Hodzukyo Bandits 11/13/2021
- Chapter 24: Twenty-forth Bath: Sometimes like a flower 11/13/2021
- Chapter 23: Twenty-third Bath: Battle of the White Load!! 11/13/2021
- Chapter 22: Twenty-Second Bath: Nothing Stops Naked Bodies 11/13/2021
- Chapter 21: Twenty-First Bath: Being Separated 11/13/2021
- Chapter 20: Twentieth Bath: Brothers Through The Rain 11/13/2021
- Chapter 19: Nineteenth Bath: The Creeping Silhouette 11/13/2021
- Chapter 18: Eighteenth Bath: Towards The Morning Glow 11/13/2021
- Chapter 17: Seventeenth Bath: Together To The Sea! 11/13/2021
- Chapter 16 11/13/2021
- Chapter 15: Fifteenth Bath: Welcome To Paradise Pool 11/13/2021
- Chapter 14: Fourteenth Bath: Great Journey 11/13/2021
- Chapter 13: Thirteenth Bath: Victory Or Defeat!! 11/13/2021
- Chapter 12: Twelveth Bath: Maiden Vs Maidena 11/13/2021
- Chapter 11: Eleventh Bath: The Girls Battle Begins! 11/13/2021
- Chapter 10: Tenth Bath: The Night Before The Battle 11/13/2021
- Chapter 9: Ninth Bath: Raising The Water Temperature! 11/13/2021
- Chapter 8: The Sense Of Distance Between The Two 11/13/2021
- Chapter 7: A Salty-Sweet Temptation 11/13/2021
- Chapter 6: All Units, Prepare For Battle! 11/13/2021
- Chapter 5: Fifth Bath: Bonjour! My Name Is Sophie! 11/13/2021
- Chapter 4: Fourth Bath: Peach-Colored Darkness 11/13/2021
- Chapter 3: Third Bath: The Sweet(S) Lady 11/13/2021
- Chapter 2: Second Bath: Work Begins! 11/13/2021
- Chapter 1: First Bath: Welcome To Love-Yu! 11/13/2021